I started performing stand up when I was 14, and during my time on the scene I have had the joy of seeing incredibly talented women, non-binary, trans and queer performers come onto the scene— but I’ve also seen them disappear.

Sometimes, they’re just not interested anymore. Totally cool.

Sometimes, they get their feelings hurt, heartbroken, or worse—something scary happens and the best decision they can make is to disappear. Totally not cool.

In 2022, I started pondering how I might be able to help create a foundation to get more femme, them, queer folks on the stage for the first time —and keep them on the scene.

My answer was to put on a 4 hour workshop.

Thirty minutes into the workshop I had one of the students ask when the full course was happening.

It must have been clear that there was MUCH MORE I wanted to share, and needed more time.

I started with one six week course, and now I host FOUR levels each course starting at 8 weeks.

FTQEE Fundamentals -Stand Up 101

Are you stand up curious? But maybe thought there wasn’t a course that would best support femme, them, and queer folks get into the craft? 

Maybe you’re looking to give your favorite person a gift they can use to build up performance skills, and confidence at the same time? 

This course is for you!  

Learn the fundamentals of joke telling, performance skills, and doing the work to build up your first five minutes of material to take to the stage! 

Must identify as femme (cis-woman, trans-woman, gender fluid-femme), them, or LGBTQ+

No experience necessary

FTQEE Elevations -Stand Up 201

 designed this course to be ideal for those who have completed Stand Up 101 FTQEE to take you from the fundamentals of stand up to leveling up your performance. 

Speaking of which—if you’ve been performing stand up for a year or more and you’re looking for sources of fresh material, shifting some energy, looking for some fresh motivation or inspiration this course is also perfect for you. 

Throughout this seven week course students will be immersed in feedback and exercises designed to help elevate a student's set–build up to 10+ minutes of material, organize ideas, improve more complex techniques, best practices for being booked on shows, & more.

Must identify as femme (cis-woman, trans-woman, gender fluid-femme), them, or LGBTQ+

Completed FTQEE Fundamentals or 1+ years of experience

FTQEE Intensive -Stand Up 301

This course is designed to help femme, them, and queer stand up comedians push their performance beyond their edge.

Over the course of eight weeks of sessions, students will learn the best practices of emceeing shows, building a personal press kit, tackling taboos and tough topics, exploring story telling, expanding ad-lib skills, and so much more.

Must identify as femme (cis-woman, trans-woman, gender fluid-femme), them, or LGBTQ+

Completed FTQEE Elevations or 2+ years of experience

FTQEE Producing -Stand Up 401

Looking to learn ourse designed to support students through the process and my personal best practices for producing a group charity show to raise money for the Detroit Creativity Project!

The content of the course will be focused on producing a show--not performing. 

I have designed modules that review the different roles of a show, types of shows, best practices for choosing a venue, booking performers, building promo kits, vendor&sponsor partnerships, problem solving, and much more! All the while students do the work to book a venue, line up of performers, additional options (vendors, etc.), build a promo kit, attract a crowd, and make the magic happen.

I will coach folks a long the way; making recommendations, suggestions, and supporting in decision making all along the way!